Building Dialogue Skills to Improve Constructive Interaction for Peace

Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC in collaboration with Caritas Chilaw and Caritas Seth Sarana  organized a peace programme titled “Building Dialogue Skills to Improve Constructive Interaction for Peace,” funded by CAFOD on the 9th of July 2024, the Seth Sarana Center in Raddolugama, Seeduwa. The event ran from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and saw

Capacitating CSL Staff to Mobilize Vulnerable Communities for Disaster Resilience

From July 24th to 27th, 2024, a transformative program “Capacitating CSL Staff to Mobilize Vulnerable Communities to be Resilient for Disasters” was held at the Ranminithenna Tele Cinema Village in Tissamaharama. This significant initiative, funded by Caritas Asia, brought together 38 participants, including Diocesan Center (DC) Directors, DC & NC Program Coordinators, and volunteers from

Addressing the Challenges of the Plantation Community: Insights from the LLPP Project Press Conference

On the 31st of July 2024, a significant press conference was held at Caritas SETIK in Kandy, addressing the issues faced by the plantation community. This was organized by the Caritas Sri Lanka ECPP unit under the LLPP (Lighting the Lives of the Plantation People Project) funded by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the event

Strengthening Collaboration: CSO Forum Empowers Plantation Communities through Strategic Planning and Capacity Building

The CSO Forum under the “Lighting the Lives of the Plantation People” (LLPP) project, funded by CRS – Catholic Relief Services, was held on 30th July 2024 at the scenic Tea Small Holdings Development Authority Training Centre in Hanthana, Kandy. This gathering brought together representatives from Kandy, Badulla, Ratnapura, Galle, Kurunegala, and Colombo DCs along