Sustainable Peace & Justice (SP&J)

The Social Justice and Sustainable Peace Unit emphasizes on work towards promoting peace processes, social cohesion and an all-inclusive society to the nation at large. In the context of the present instability in the country due to heightened tension between races and political unworthiness, reliable processes of peace and conflict mitigation is of great importance. Caritas Sri Lanka has recognized the above and has assembled vast sums of resources through 4 major projects, to be a guiding light towards empowering the people of Sri Lanka across all religions and races, to bring back human dignity, encourage human life and contribute to establish Gospel values. The Social Justice and Sustainable Peace Unit works through 1. Religious Amity 2. Healing and Reconciliation, 3. Helping People move towards Reconciliation and 4. AGIAMONDO Peace Initiatives to fortify the Unit’s goal to “create a conducive atmosphere for a just and violence free society where people will be living in peace and harmony by respecting the diverse natures of different ethnic and religious groups and their cultures”

Seminar on “New System of Local Government Elections and Monitoring Plans”

A seminar organized by Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC was held on the above subject, in view of the forthcoming Local Government elections today, on 08th January 2018. Mr. Rohana Hettiarachchi, the Executive Director of Peoples Action for Free and Fair Election (PAFFREL), which was formed in 1987 primarily to observe elections, presided. Civil society members, Priests,

Educational Support Programme for Vulnerable Children

Caritas Jaffna-HUDEC organized a felicitation ceremony for the students who have excelled in the grade 5 scholarship examination 2017, on 15th of November 2017. Under the Caritas Korea funded project titled ‘Supporting Primary Education for Poor & Vulnerable Children’, HUDEC sponsored 202 poor students from the 12 schools in the Jaffna District. Out of sponsored