Safe Migration

Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC Heartfelt Condolence

Rev. Sr. Mary Angela has worked at Caritas Sri Lanka-SEDEC from 1980s to 1995. She had been a wonderful character who had inspired many during her time at SEDEC. Especially her enthusiastic work forming the famous Women’s Desk at Caritas Sri Lanka-SEDEC made the organization a professional and a profound humanitarian organization in the Sri

Data Analysis Workshop: Learning from the Experiences of Women Migrant Workers

The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) in Bangkok, Thailand organized a workshop on Data Analysis and Learning from the Experiences of Women Migrant Workers in Kathmandu, Nepal. Three of the Caritas Sri Lanka officers, Mr.Theivendirarajah Kanagarantnam,, Senior Programme Manager, Mr. Samantha Pathirathana, Chairman, PASS Asia (Pvt) Ltd, Ms. Chathurani N. Hettiarachchi, Safe Labour

Safe Labour Migration Partner Exchange Platform (PEP)

The Safe Labour Migration programme of Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC hosted the 7th Partner Exchange Platform meeting recenlty to discuss matters pertaining to the migration services conducted by the partner organizations under the project titled “ Provision of Services to Migrant workers and their Families in Sri Lanka” funded by SDC (Swiss Development Cooperation).

Capacity Building Programme for the Diocesan Safe Migration Officers

The Migration Unit of Caritas Sri Lanka- SEDEC organized a capacity building programme for the Safe Migration Programme Officers on 16th and 17th January 2018 at the SEDEC premises. Safe Migration Project officers representing all the 13 Diocesan Centres participated in the two-day workshop held in Tamil and Sinhala mediums. This was held under the Swiss Development

World Migrants’ Day Holy Mass

Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC celebrated a special Holy Mass to commemorate the 104 th World Migrant’s Day on 15 th of January 2018 under the theme, “Welcoming, Protecting, Promoting and Integrating Migrants and Refugees’’. According to the message of the Holy Father, in reference to the migrants and refugees, His Holiness asks every human

Kanthi’s Family Reunion

On 16th February 2017, Marial Kanthi migrated to Kuwait to work as a housemaid. When she migrated her daughter was 3 years old. Till 1995 he had regular contact with the family in Sri Lanka, however after that there was no communication at all. Marial Kanthi’s husband, Edward approached Caritas Colombo-Seth Sarana and requested to