The CSO Forum under the “Lighting the Lives of the Plantation People” (LLPP) project, funded by CRS – Catholic Relief Services, was held on 30th July 2024 at the scenic Tea Small Holdings Development Authority Training Centre in Hanthana, Kandy. This gathering brought together representatives from Kandy, Badulla, Ratnapura, Galle, Kurunegala, and Colombo DCs along with Diocesan directors, LLPP coordinators and CSO forum members.

The day was dedicated to identifying gaps in planning and capacity-building among CSOs and crafting strategic solutions to empower these organizations to better serve their communities. This program was guided by the expertise of Mr W. Sudesh N. Rodrigo, Lead Consultant of Thambapanni Pvt Ltd and Zonal Manager of Field Operations at World Vision Lanka.

The forum provided a platform for rich exchanges of knowledge and experience. Each DC had the opportunity to share its unique journey so far, reflecting on its history, member organizations, major activities, budget utilization, and the challenges it faced along the way. These presentations were able to a deep dive into gap assessments using the Humanitarian and Organizational Capacity Assessment Instrument (HOCAI), customized to each DC’s specific context. The discussions were lively and solution-focused, yielding actionable recommendations to strengthen CSO operations.

The energy in the forum was amazing as participants engaged in meaningful dialogue, eager to learn from each other and share best practices. The forum not only illuminated the path forward but also created a strong sense of collaboration among the CSO forum members. By the end of the day, there was a collective realization that these shared insights and new practices would significantly enhance the capacity of CSOs to uplift the plantation communities they serve. This forum was a significant moment in the LLPP project, marking a step toward more effective and impactful community service.