On 9th & 10th December 2019
At SEDEC Auditorium
A two day Training Programme on Mobile Journalism was held at Caritas Sri Lanka on 09th & 10th December 2019. The staff of SEDEC National Centre Migration Unit, CDS our partner and the Migration Officers of the Diocesan Centers of Colombo, Kandy, Trincomalee & Jaffna participated in this training programme.
The objective of this training was to strengthen and enhance the capacities of the staff with the new technology in reporting and documenting on the Migrants’ cases for awareness creation, advocacy and to promote Digital Mobile Journalism. More networking with online platforms, other digital groups and specially usage of Camera MX and Kinemaster apps were imparted at this training programme.
The Programme Director and Programme Producers of the Sri Lanka Development Journalists Forum were the resource persons for this programme which was organized and funded by Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation.